Restoration of Rights & Record Relief
Last updated: March 5, 2025
I. Loss & restoration of civil/firearms rights
A. Vote
A person convicted of “a felony involving moral turpitude, or who is mentally incompetent, shall [not] be qualified to vote until restoration of civil and political rights or removal of disability.” Ala. Const. art. VIII, § 177.1 In May of 2017, the Felony Voter Disqualification Act limited the definition of “felony involving moral turpitude” under § 177 to 47 specified offenses, including many serious violent offenses, sex offenses, offenses against children, drug trafficking offenses (but not drug possession), and various property crimes.2 See Ala. Code § 17-3-30.1 (enacted by HB-282 (2017)). Restoration by pardon or administrative procedure (infra).
Expedited restoration of voting rights
A 2003 statute requires the Board of Pardons and Paroles to issue a “certificate of eligibility to register to vote” (CERV) to all persons convicted of disqualifying offenses (except those convicted of serious violent offenses and sex offenses) if they have completed their sentence and paid all fines, restitution and court costs, and have no charges pending against them. Ala. Code § 15-22-36.1. Restoration is automatic upon determination of eligibility, but an application is required. Persons convicted of murder and sex offenses must still apply to the Board for a pardon. Id. (See discussion in Part IIA infra). People with federal and out-of-state offenses are eligible to apply for a CERV or for pardon.
B. Office-holding and Jury
Someone who is not a qualified elector is “ineligible to and disqualified from holding” state office. Ala. Code § 36-2-1; see Ala. Code § 15-22-36.1(a)(1), (3).
A person is not “qualified” to sit on a jury if she has “lost the right to vote by conviction for any offense involving moral turpitude.” Ala. Code § 12-16-60(a)(4). See also § 12-16-150 (all felonies grounds for challenge even if not disqualified). If lost, these civil rights may be restored only through a pardon from Board of Pardons and Parole. (The expedited procedure for restoration of voting rights described above does not apply to these other civil rights.
C. Firearms
As amended in 2023 by Act 2023–487, Ala. Code § 13A-11-72(a)(1) prohibits those convicted of certain violent and drug crimes, including misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence, from possessing any firearm, not simply a pistol as under the law prior to its amendment.
No person who has been convicted in this state or elsewhere of committing or attempting to commit a crime of violence, misdemeanor offense of domestic violence, violent offense as listed in Section 12–25–32(15), anyone who is subject to a valid protection order for domestic abuse, or anyone of unsound mind shall own a firearm or have one in his or her possession or under his or her control.
A “crime of violence” is defined in Ala. Code § 13A-11-70(3) to include “any Class A felony or any Class B felony that has as an element serious physical injury, the distribution or manufacture of a controlled substance, or is of a sexual nature involving a child under the age of 12.”
Restoration: Also added to the law in 2023 was a provision defining the term “conviction” to exclude convictions that have been pardoned or expunged, or if the person has had their civil rights restored, borrowing language from the federal relief provision in 18 USC §921(a)(20):
A person is not considered to have been convicted for the purposes of this section if the person is not considered to have been convicted in the jurisdiction in which the proceedings were held or the conviction has been expunged, set aside, or is of an offense for which the person has been pardoned or has had his or her civil rights restored, unless the pardon, expungement, or restoration of civil rights expressly provides that the person may not ship, transport, possess, or receive firearms.
II. Pardon policy & practice
A. Authority
In 1939, the Alabama legislature was granted the pardon power by an amendment to the state constitution. It created the Board of Pardons and Parole to exercise the power, which extends to all offenses save treason and impeachment. Ala. Const. amend. 38 (amending art. V § 124). The governor retains reprieve and commutation authority in capital cases. The Board’s administration and procedure is governed by Ala. Code §§ 15-22-20 through 15-22-40. Mayors have authority to pardon violations of municipal ordinances.3
Composition of Board: The Board is composed of three members who are appointed by the governor to six-year terms with the advice and consent of the state senate. Ala. Code § 15-22-20(a)-(d). Members are selected by the governor from a slate nominated by a board consisting of the state chief justice as chair, the lieutenant governor, the presiding judge of the court of criminal appeals, the speaker of the house and the president pro tem of the senate. § 15-22-20(b). The chairperson is designated by the governor. § 15-22-20(d). Members are full-time state officials, take an oath of office, and are subject to impeachment on the same grounds as other State officials. § 15-22-20(e). The Board must make a full annual report to the governor. § 15-22-24(b).
B. Eligibility
Completion of sentence, or completion of at least three years of permanent parole, unless the pardon is sought on grounds of innocence and the judge or district attorney approve in writing. Ala. Code § 15-22-36(c). Persons convicted of a felony or certain other offenses involving danger to the person must submit to the taking of a DNA sample as a mandatory condition of the pardon. Ala. Code § 36-18-25(f). Board accepts applications from people with federal convictions and people convicted in other state jurisdictions residing in the state. See Article 8 of Ala. Board Rules, Regulations and Procedures. See Hogan v. Hartwell, 7 So. 2d 889 (Ala. 1942) (Board had authority to restore citizenship and political rights of person with federal conviction, as against contention that a pardon by President was essential to restore the lost rights).
C. Effect
With enactment of Act No. 2021-286 (SB117), the so-called REDEEMER Act, Alabama for the first time authorized expungement of pardoned felonies, as well as non-violent misdemeanors and violations. See Ala. Code §§ 15-27-2(c) (pardoned felonies), 15-27-1(b) (misdemeanors, violations and municipal ordinances). Historically, however, as pardon does not wipe out the historical fact of the conviction, involving forgiveness but not forgetfulness. Johnson v. State, 421 So.2d 1306 (Ala. Crim. App. 1982). A state pardon does not relieve civil and political disabilities “unless specifically expressed in the pardon.” Ala. Code § 15-22-36(c); see also Ala. Code § 17-3-31. A person who has forfeited his office as a result of felony conviction is not restored to that office by a pardon. Ala. Code § 36-9-2; see also Hendrix v. Hunt, 607 So. 2d 1254 (Ala. 1992). “[A] pardon that restores to an individual all civil rights and political privileges necessarily nullifies all legal punishment for the offense. In other words, if the conviction incorporates certain civil and political disqualifications, then a pardon that specifically revives all civil and political rights must certainly remove any and all legal incapacities,” including handgun privileges. State ex rel. Sokira v. Burr, 580 So.2d 1340, 1345 (Ala. 1991). The Board may grant a full pardon, which restores all rights, or it may grant a pardon with restrictions (e.g., firearms privileges, sex offender registration, habitual offender status). After the Sokira decision, it became common for the Board of Pardons and Parole to expressly exclude the right to own/possess/control a firearm from the restoration of civil rights. See Ala. Op. Atty Gen. No. 1999-060, 1998 WL 34309449, *1, 3 (1998).
D. Process
Hearing required, vote by majority, decision and reasons for it made public. Board has no power to grant a pardon or other act of clemency unless the action is taken in an open public meeting, of which 30 days’ notice has been given to the Attorney General, the DA who prosecuted the case and the sentencing judge, the chief of police and the county sheriff, and the victim. Ala. Code §§ 15-22-23, 15-22-36; see also Chapter 640-X-4 the Ala. Board Rules. Application to Board of Pardons and Parole is very simple form filed with local probation office that is “intended to facilitate application by individuals who lack formal education.” Ala. Admin. Code r. 640-X-6-.01. Investigation by a local probation officer includes current information on the applicant’s home situation, job status, and an updated criminal arrest record, written references and other information as warranted. See Article 8 of Ala. Board Rules, supra. The Board may not act on any application or case until a complete investigation of the prisoner’s social and criminal record has been made by a parole officer and a written report thereof made a part of the prisoner’s file. Ala. Code § 15-22-25 (b). Once the investigation is complete, a hearing will be set before the Board. Required notification will be sent to the victim and concerned officials. At hearing, a decision is made by majority vote to grant or deny the pardon request, and the decision is announced. Process takes about a year from beginning to end. See Chapter 640-X-6 of the Ala. Board Rules. These same procedures will apply to a request for a Certificate of Eligibility to Register to Vote, except where superseded by Ala. Code § 15-22-36.1 (see below, providing for paper review).
Board Orders granting pardons, with or without restoration of firearms rights, are public records. The statements of reasons filed by each member voting in favor of such grant are public records. However, pardon files are otherwise confidential. Ex parte Alabama Bd. of Pardons and Paroles, 814 So. 2d 870 (Ala. 2001). Petitioner is not entitled to inspect his own file or to have a reason for denial. Ex parte Alabama Bd. of Pardons and Paroles, 849 So. 2d 255 (Ala. Crim. App. 2002).
Expedited process to restore voting rights: In October 2003, the Alabama legislature enacted an expedited process for restoring right to vote to be administered by the Board, applicable to all but specified serious violent offenses and sex offenses. Ala. Code § 15-22-36.1. Eligibility depends upon applicant having completed sentence, including payment of fines, court costs, fees, and victim restitution ordered by the sentencing court; may have no pending felony charges. In 2005, the Attorney General of Alabama opined that if a person has been convicted of both a disqualifying and a non-disqualifying offense, the person must have satisfied all terms and conditions of the non-disqualifying offense in order to be considered for restitution. Ala. Op. Atty. Gen. No. 2005-092 (March 18, 2005). If a person is determined to be eligible, the right to vote must be restored. § 15-22-36.1(b). Restoration is also available to people with federal and out-of-state offenses. § 15-22-36.1(a)(1).
The application process may include investigation by parole officer and report to Board within 45 days. If no board member objects within five days, issuance of Certificate of Eligibility to Vote is automatic. § 15-22-36.1(e). If any member of Board objects on grounds of eligibility, hearing scheduled. § 15-22-36.1(f). In the event the board determines, by a majority vote, that the criteria have been met, the executive director shall forthwith issue a Certificate of Eligibility to Register to Vote to the applicant. Id.
E. Frequency of grants
The Alabama Board of Paroles and Pardons posts on its website annual reports that contain statistics on pardon hearings and grants. The Board typically approves around 800 pardon grants per year, about 70-80% of applications considered. The Board also gives out CERV certificates to restore voting rights (see Part I, supra). After two recent years in which the number of grants was lower than usual and the percentage of denials higher (2021-2022), the Board heard 1833 cases in 2023 and approved 1082 pardons, denying 751 – an absolute increase in the number granted but a grant rate of only about 60%. The increase in hearings and grants may be attributed to the Board’s participation in Reentry 2030, a national initiative to reduce recidivism led by the Council of State Governments that works to expand economic, social, and professional opportunities to individuals after they have served their time. A substantial number of pardons go to those previously granted restoration of voting rights.
F. Contact
Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles, PO Box 302405
Montgomery, AL 36130
Tel: (334) 353-7771, 353-8067
III. Expungement, sealing and other record relief
A. Conviction records
1. Misdemeanors, violations, and pardoned felonies
Until 2021, Alabama courts had no statutory authority to expunge or seal adult conviction records, with the exception of the narrowly drawn exception for victims of human trafficking described in section (A)(2) below. With enactment of Act No. 2021-286 (SB117), the so-called REDEEMER Act, Alabama for the first time authorized expungement of non-violent misdemeanors and violations, and pardoned felonies. See Ala. Code §§ 15-27-1(b) (misdemeanors, violations and municipal ordinances), 15-27-2(c) (pardoned felonies). There are no limits on the number of misdemeanors and violations that may be expunged, but only one pardoned felony conviction may be expunged. § 15-27-2.1. Section 15-27-2(c) also authorizes expungement of non-conviction felony records (see section C below).
Section 15-27-2(b) authorizes expungement of up to two felony convictions incurred while a victim of human trafficking (see section A(2) below).
In 2024, juvenile adjudications were added by SB 153 to the list of matters expungeable under § 15-27-1(b), subject to all other aspects of law (including waiting periods). See Section D below.
Those with eligible misdemeanors and violations may apply three years after conviction if “all probation or parole requirements have been completed, including payment of all fines, costs, restitution, and other court-ordered amounts, and are evidenced by the applicable court or agency.” § 15-27-1(b); see also § 15-27-4(d) (“If…the court in the original case made a clear and unequivocal judicial finding on the record that the arrest had no foundation of probable cause, the court, in the expungement proceeding, shall waive all docket fees and court costs, except for the filling fee.”). Pardoned felonies are eligible 180 days after the pardon was granted. § 15-27-2(c). See below for additional information on payment of court debt.
Convictions for violent and sexual offenses and “serious traffic offenses” are not eligible. Neither are the dozens of crimes of “moral turpitude” that are grounds for felony disenfranchisement under Ala. Code § 17-3-30.1, unless the crime was classified as a felony at the time of the conviction, but has been reclassified as a misdemeanor, pursuant to Act 2015-185, and the person has not been arrested for any offense, excluding minor traffic violations, 15 years prior to the filing of the petition for expungement.
Expunged records must remain available to law enforcement and prosecutors, utilities, the agency engaged in protecting children and vulnerable adults, and “any entities or services providing information to banking, insurance, and other financial institutions as required for various requirements as provided in state and federal law.”
Payment of court debt
Payment of court debt is a qualification for expungement. A person convicted of misdemeanor or violation “may file a petition . . . to expunge records relating to the charge and conviction if all the following occur: . . . all probation or parole requirements have been completed, including payment of all fines, costs, restitution, and other court-ordered amounts.” Ala. Code § 15-27-1(b)(1). See also id. § 15-27-12: “No order of expungement shall be granted unless all terms and conditions, including court ordered restitution, are satisfied and paid in full, including interest, to any victim, or the Alabama Crime Victim’s Compensation Commission, as well as court costs, fines, or statutory fees ordered by the sentencing court to have been paid, absent a finding of indigency by the court.” Sealing of pardoned felonies requires that “[t]he person has paid all fines, court costs, fees, and victim restitution ordered by the sentencing court at the time of sentencing on disqualifying cases.” Id. §§ 15-22-36.1, 15-27-2(c). In addition, for the court to issue an expungement order, all other court debt from the underlying case must have been paid, but the court may waive this requirement upon a finding of indigency. § 15-27-12. There is also an administrative filing fee of $500, which may be waived with a finding of indigency. See § 15-27-4(a)-(c). When a petitioner is seeking to expunge multiple charges arising from one arrest, only one filing fee is required, but where the petitioner is seeking to expunge multiple charges arising from multiple arrests, a filing fee for each arrest is required. § 15-27-4(b).
The REDEEMER Act also expanded the laws governing expungement of non-conviction records (see below).
2. Victims of human trafficking
Authority to expunge records—including convictions—resulting from a person’s being a victim of human trafficking was incorporated into the basic expungement statutes in in 2018. See HB 305 (2018). Under this law, when the person can prove by a preponderance of the evidence that she or he is a victim of human trafficking, committed an offense during the period of being trafficked, and would not have committed the offense but for being trafficked, that person may seek to expunge records related to convictions for: (1) a traffic or municipal ordinance violation; (2) a misdemeanor; (3) a non-violent felony; and (4) three specified felonies defined as violent: promoting prostitution in the first degree; domestic violence in the third degree; and producing obscene matter involving a person under the age of 17. See Ala. Code § 15-27-1(a)(8) (misdemeanors and traffic or municipal ordinance violations); § 15-27-2(a)(6), (b) (felonies). For the court to grant expungement, there is a requirement that all court debt from the underlying case must have been paid, but the court can waive this requirement upon a finding of indigency. § 15-27-12.
Common law sealing authority
Municipal courts in Alabama appear to have regularly exercised a common law expungement authority. See Kristin K. Hensen, Can You Make This Go Away: Alabama’s Inconsistent Approach to Expunging Criminal Records, 35 Cumb. L. Rev. 385 (2005); see also “All Expunged Cases Should be Made Public,” Mobile Register, July 13, 2005. Concerning the municipal courts, the Alabama Attorney General has stated in an informal opinion that “(t)here is nothing in the Constitution of Alabama 1901 or the Alabama Code granting municipal courts the power to expunge records.” 88-00410 Op. Ala. Att’y Gen. (1988). Persons seeking expungement have sometimes relied upon statutes authorizing individuals to bring a court challenge to “inaccurate or incomplete” records. Ala. Code § 41-9-645. A court may order a record “appropriately purged, modified or supplemented by an explanatory notation” if the record is found to be “inaccurate, incomplete or misleading.” § 41-9-646.
B. Suspension of sentence and deferred prosecution
Suspension of sentence: Alabama courts have broad authority “after a plea of guilty, after the returning of a verdict of guilty by the jury or after the entry of a judgment of guilty by the court,” to suspend execution of sentence and place an individual on probation. Ala. Code § 15-22-50. Courts are also specifically authorized to defer adjudication and refer individuals charged with drug crimes to treatment programs, § 12-23-5, and other types of treatment courts are less formally authorized. Charges may be expunged under the authorities discussed above if they were “dismissed after successful completion of a drug court program, mental health court program, diversion program, veteran’s court, or any court-approved deferred prosecution program after one year from successful completion of the program.” § 15-27-2(a)(6).
Deferred prosecution/pretrial diversion by district attorneys: In 2013, district attorneys were authorized to establish pretrial diversion programs. Ala. Code § 12-17-226 et seq. Standards for admission are broad, and district attorneys are authorized to coordinate with court-managed drug treatment and other intervention courts. § 12-17-226.3. Admission to and termination from the program are under the control of the district attorneys, but the case will be managed by the court with charges potentially dismissed upon successful completion. § 12-17-226.6.
Charges dismissed following completion of a deferred prosecution program are eligible for expungement as long as charges are “dismissed with prejudice” at the conclusion of probation. In recent years Alabama “has dramatically increased pretrial diversion programs.” See George D. Flowers, Avoid Conviction Through Settlement — The Rise of Deferred Prosecution, 82 Ala. Law. 112 (Mar. 2021). Nonetheless, withheld adjudications are treated as convictions for certain licensing purposes, § 8-19A-7, 8-19A-5, 8-19A-11, and for sex offender registration requirements. § 15-20A-4.
C. Non-conviction records (including diversionary dispositions)
Beginning in 2014, courts in Alabama have been authorized to expunge records of misdemeanors and non-violent felonies that were no-billed, acquitted, dismissed with prejudice, or dismissed without prejudice after a conviction-free two-year waiting period. That year, expungement was also authorized in misdemeanor and felony cases where charges are dismissed after successful completion of a drug court program, mental health court program, diversion program, veteran’s court program, “or any court-approved deferred prosecution program after one year from successful completion of the program.” See Ala. Code § 15-27-1 (misdemeanors); § 15-27-2 (felonies).
In 2017, § 15-27-2 was amended to permit expungement of any felony, including violent felonies, where the defendant was acquitted of the charges. See Act 2017-377, adding a new § 15-27-2(b). In 2021, the REDEEMER Act expanded this provision further to cover violent felony charges that were dismissed with prejudice, nol prossed or indictment quashed (after limitation period has run or prosecutor confirms charges will not be refiled), and reduced the waiting period for expungement after diversion of misdemeanor charges to one year. A five-year waiting period was retained for felony charges dismissed without prejudice.4
Expungement may be sought 90 days after charges dismissed with prejudice, and after an additional waiting period after dismissal without prejudice (one year for misdemeanors, reduced from two years in 2021, and five years for felonies) if during the waiting period “the person has not been convicted of any other felony or misdemeanor crime, any violation, or any traffic violation, excluding minor traffic violations. . . ” § 15-27-2. There is an administrative fee of $300 over and above the usual civil filing fee, which may be waived in the event of indigency. If the prosecutor or victim object, a hearing must be held at which the court will consider certain factors relating to the crime. § 15-27-5. Where there is no objection, “the court shall grant the petition if it is reasonably satisfied from the evidence that the petitioner has complied with and satisfied the requirements of this chapter.” Id. In addition, “[t]he court shall have discretion over the number of cases that may be expunged pursuant to this chapter after the first case is expunged.” Id.
Finally, no expungement order may be issued unless and until the petition has paid all outstanding restitution or fines, “absent a finding of indigency.” § 15-27-12. Expunged records “may not be used for any non-criminal justice purpose and may only be made available to criminal justice agencies upon acknowledgement of an investigation or other criminal matter involving the person related to the expungement.” § 15-27-7.
D. Effect of expungement
After the expungement of records pursuant to subsection (a), the proceedings regarding the charge shall be deemed never to have occurred. Except as provided in this chapter, the court and other agencies shall reply to any inquiry that no record exists on the matter. The petitioner whose record was expunged shall not have to disclose the fact of the record or any matter relating thereto on an application for employment, credit, or other type of application. However, the petitioner whose record was expunged shall have the duty to disclose the fact of the record and any matter relating thereto to any government regulatory or licensing agency, any utility and its agents and affiliates, or any bank or other financial institution. In these circumstances, the government regulatory or licensing agency, utility and its agents and affiliates, or the bank or other financial institution shall have the right to inspect the expunged records after filing notice with the court.
§ 15-27-6(b). Expungement does not apply to the Alabama Securities Commission, § 15-27-14, or to employment applications for law enforcement or corrections positions. § 15-27-18. Expungement does not restore firearms rights, § 15-27-15, or relieve sex offender registration, which is only available from a court. See § 15-20A-24. Expungement records may be released for a civil suit filed by the petitioner for expungement related to an arrest or conviction that is the subject of the expungement. The court shall hold an in camera hearing to determine if the request is in good faith and the nature and releveance of the request records,and then determine in writing whether to release the records. § 15-27-20. A “certified record of an expungement” is admissible in a criminal trial subject to the Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure and Evidence. Prior to its introduction, the court is required to hold an in camera hearing to determine admissibility. § 15-27-20.
See also Ala. Code § 41-9-625 (law enforcement agencies required to delete photographs, “fingerprints and other identifying information” from their files within 30 days of release from custody if the person is not charged or is cleared of the charges).5 Alabama’s non-conviction expungement statutes enacted in 2014, supra, authorize courts to expunge arrest records where a charge results in a non-conviction disposition. Ala. Code § 15-27-1 (misdemeanors); § 15-27-2 (felonies). However, these statutes do not address uncharged arrests, so it appears that people who are arrested and released without charges may have no way to clear their arrest records.
E. Juvenile records
Expungement of misdemeanors: In 2024, juvenile adjudications were added by SB 153 to the list of matters expungeable under § 15-27-1(b), subject to all other aspects of law (including waiting period). See Section A above.
Sealing after discharge: Juvenile records may be sealed by the court two years after final discharge or court order not pertaining to custody or supervision, if the individual has not previously been adjudicated or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving sexual offenses, drugs, weapons, or violence, or threats of violence, and has no pending proceeding seeking such a conviction or adjudication. Ala. Code § 12-15-136(a). Any adjudication of delinquency or conviction of a felony or misdemeanor involving sexual offenses, drugs, weapons, or violence, or threats of violence, subsequent to sealing shall have the effect of nullifying the sealing order. § 12-15-136(e). Five years after the juvenile reaches the age of majority, s/he may petition the court to have the records destroyed. § 12-15-137(a).
IV. Criminal record in employment and licensing
Order of Limited Relief from Licensing Bars
Until 2019, Alabama had no general law regulating consideration of conviction in occupational licensure, though it applies a “direct relationship” standard in connection with certain specific licenses.6 Effective September 1, 2019, SB163 creates a process whereby a person who is otherwise disqualified by law from obtaining a specific occupational license may apply to the circuit civil court in the county where the conviction occurred for an “Order of Limited Relief” that “relieves the individual from some or all of the collateral consequences associated with that conviction within this state,” thereby overcoming mandatory exclusions. Ala. Code § 12-26-1(3). When an order of limited relief is granted, an occupational licensing board . . . may still consider the conduct underlying the conviction upon which the order was granted in determining whether to deny, revoke, or suspend a license . . . ” § 12-26-9(i). The person must identify the disqualification from which they seek relief.
An individual who has been convicted in multiple judicial circuits in the state may file a petition for an Order of Limited Relief in any county that imposed one of the convictions, and a $100 administrative filing fee applies in addition to other court costs, which cannot be waived. See §§ 12-26-3(b) and 8. A person convicted in federal court may file in the jurisdiction where they reside. § 12-26-4. A person convicted in another jurisdiction may apply, though apparently only if they have received “a certificate of limited relief or similar document or ruling from the convicting jurisdiction.” § 12-26-5. A person currently serving a prison sentence with more than six months remaining may not apply, nor may someone facing felony charges, or misdemeanor charges filed within the last year.
The hearing process, including documents that must be produced and standards that must be met (inter alia, the nature of crime and its relationship to license sought), is described in detail in § 12-26-7. The court may order preparation of a “postsentence report” from the Board of Pardons and Paroles. The law specifies that a court must make findings related to the offense, including “the relationship between the offense and collateral consequence . . . § 12-26-9(d)(4). The court “shall grant” the petition if it is “reasonably satisfied” from the evidence that granting the petition will materially assist the petitioner in “living a law-abiding life” and will not pose a public safety risk. § 12-26-9(e). If denied, the petitioner may appeal under an “abuse of discretion” standard, § 12-26-9(g), and may reapply after two years. § 12-26-6(c). Subsequent conviction of a felony automatically revokes a Certificate. The section does not apply to law enforcement employment or driver’s licenses.
- Prior to its 1996 amendment, the Alabama constitution disenfranchised persons convicted of specified offenses, all felonies punishable by a term of imprisonment, and all “crimes of moral turpitude.” Ala. Const. Art. VIII, § 182 (1996). Section 182’s extension of disenfranchisement to misdemeanor crimes of “moral turpitude,” interpreted at that time to include drug possession and DUI, was held unconstitutional in Hunter v. Underwood, 471 U.S. 222 (1985).
- Previously, there was no exhaustive list of disqualifying crimes, although the Supreme Court of Alabama from time to time identified felonies that were or were not disqualifying. According to a 2005 opinion of the Alabama Attorney General, assault, felony drug possession and felony DUI were not regarded as crimes of “moral turpitude.” See Ala. Op. Atty. Gen. No. 2005-092 (March 18, 2005), 2005 WL 1121853 (Ala. A.G.) This opinion was issued in response to a request from the Board of Pardons and Paroles for a list of disqualifying offenses, and cited a number of cases in which the Supreme Court of Alabama had held that murder, rape, burglary, robbery, income tax evasion, conspiracy to commit fraud, possession of marijuana for resale, theft, transporting stolen vehicles, unauthorized sale of a controlled substance, and bigamy were all crimes involving moral turpitude. On the other hand, assault, doing business without a license, violation of liquor laws, aiding prisoner to escape, possession of marijuana, and driving under the influence, were not. Notwithstanding this opinion, Alabama’s secretary of state continued to take the position that conviction of any felony prohibited voting, and so directed county registrars. On June 1, 2007, in response to a lawsuit filed by the ACLU challenging this interpretation and application of § 177, the Supreme Court of Alabama held that while state and local election officials had acted contrary to the state constitution and laws, no further injunctive relief was necessary. See Chapman v. Gooden, 974 So. 2d 972 (Ala. 2007)
- In August 2009 the mayor of Birmingham issued a blanket pardon to all those arrested there during civil rights protests of the 1960s.
- The 2021 amendments appear to have been inspired by a high profile 2019 case in which the state dropped capital murder charges before trial after surveillance footage exonerated the accused, but the record was categorically ineligible for expungement because the now-failed charges were violent felonies. Alabama’s attorney general acknowledged that the case “may draw light to a situation in which the [expungement] statute could be amended.” See Steven Dilsizian, “I-Team: Attorney General Steve Marshall Addresses Alabama Expungement Law,” WAA31 ABC (May 7, 2019),
- The Alabama Supreme Court has interpreted the phrase “other identifying data” to mean “information that can be used to track down and identify persons in the manner that photographs and fingerprints are used. Examples include an individual’s blood type, height, weight, hair color, eye color, scars, physical deformities, etc.” Mobile Press Register, Inc. v. Lackey, 938 So. 2d 398, 402 (Ala. 2006); see also Henson, supra, “Can You Make This Go Away?” 35 Cumb. L. Rev. at 387 (“Informal conversations with officials at ACJIC [Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center] indicate that despite [§ 41-9-625], arrest records are not routinely expunged without a court order”).
- See, e.g., Ala. Code § 34-1A-5 (d)(2)(a) (“An applicant [for an alarm system installer license] shall not be refused a license solely because of a prior criminal conviction, unless the criminal conviction directly relates to the occupation or profession for which the license is sought.”); Ala. Code § 27-17A-18(f)(3) (“The applicant [for a pre-need sales agent for funeral services] must not have any felony or misdemeanor convictions that relate to any activity regulated by this chapter”).